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Virtual Lunch & Learn: Managing Risk on Your Family Farm


Team Agriculture Georgia is excited to host a free virtual lunch-and-learn offering insights and resources to manage risk on family farms. This free event will focus on

  • Estate planning and legal tools to retain family land and prevent heirs property;

  • Practical tools from a small farmer to recruit and retain employees, safeguard physical and mental health, and balance work and family;

  • USDA crop insurance programs for small diversified farms.

The webinar will be held over Zoom from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on December 12. Registration is required.


Georgia Heirs Property Law Center is a not-for-profit law firm that helps heirs property owners, nonprofits, and municipalities remediate fractured title, increase equity, and transfer wealth to the next generation through title clearing, wills creation, estate planning, and facilitating access to government, private sector, and nonprofit land management/home improvement programs. The Center has served Georgia since 2015. Staff work throughout the state with targeted outreach in Atlanta and south Georgia

Located in Jeffersonville, Georgia, Rag & Frass Farm is a Certified Organic small farm specializing in mixed vegetables, fruit, herbs, and cut flowers. The operation relies on mulch, cover crops, crop rotation, compost, no-till and limited tillage to achieve long-term sustainability, allowing it to grow healthy produce year-round while building soil and fertility for the future.  

Phil Deal is the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Champion for the USDA Risk Management Agency in Georgia. In addition to being a crop insurance specialist, he operates a small satsuma farm near Valdosta.