Team Agriculture Georgia

Team Agriculture Georgia (TAG) is a coalition of USDA agencies, state departments, and community organizations working together to provide educational resources to enhance the resilience of the state’s beginning, small, and underserved farmers.

For updates on our upcoming programs, notice of agricultural events in Georgia, and timely agricultural information, please sign-up for our newsletter and continue to visit this site.

Please visit our partners to learn more about programs offered by agricultural organizations from across the state.


Free Legal Assistance for Georgians Facing Heirs Property and Estate Issues


Team Agriculture Georgia has partnered with the Georgia Heirs Property Law Center (the “Center”) to provide legal services for farmers, ranchers, and timberland owners in the state in need of heirs property resolution, estate plans, and establishing clear property titles.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this assistance, please fill out the form below. You can also find out more information directly through the Center’s website or email at


“Heirs property is the hidden story behind blight, farm loss, natural disaster devastation, and generational poverty in Georgia. The term ‘heirs property’ refers to a home or land that passes through multiple generations without a legally designated owner, resulting in ownership divided among numerous individuals or entities as tenants in common.”

Georgia Heirs Property Law Center, Inc.




USDA Risk Management Agency — Crop Insurance Tailored for Small Farms

A list of approved insurance providers who offer Whole Farm/Micro Farm policies in the state of Georgia has been published by USDA RMA.

For more information, see the new Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Plan FAQ, Micro Farm fact sheet, or contact Bryan McQuary, USDA RMA Risk Management Specialist, Valdosta Regional Office:

